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Universal Healing.

Universal Healing.
Universal Healing. Course created by the teacher Ana M.G.C. To enroll in this course please Escueladesaludlittleamma@gmail.com and to enter into the web click in the image. Thank you very much.


Fast, fast, thinkers. Do breathe to the human race. Give Hope, give Ideal. Do it well.
Victor Hugo.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

Now and Here. About ´censure´.

Doctor Rushid Buttard about censure.

                        Listen carefully please, my friends! What a shame! 
               Thank you to all that was made possible that I can share with you this type of testimonies now and here. I hope to hear this video may be useful. 

                                                                                      Take care of yourselves!


     P.S. We don´t subscribe to the last opinion in the last moment of this video about whether the Earth is or not flat. It´s a debate in which we aren´t participate from this blog in no time.





















