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Universal Healing.

Universal Healing.
Universal Healing. Course created by the teacher Ana M.G.C. To enroll in this course please Escueladesaludlittleamma@gmail.com and to enter into the web click in the image. Thank you very much.


Fast, fast, thinkers. Do breathe to the human race. Give Hope, give Ideal. Do it well.
Victor Hugo.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

And... A Happy New Year!!

In Spanish we have many idioms and expressions to express my feel´s today. 
For example, I can say "lo bueno se hace esperar" or "más vale tarde que nunca" or "nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena" or simply Happy New Year 2017!! because...
                                                                                  any time is a good time to start the year

Futhermore, thus I  match my congratulations with the begining of the new year in the Chinese calendar (of the rooster) for extending my congratulations to all that part of the world of which we know really very little.

Yesterday evening I started my adventure like a English student in our E.O.I. II. It was my first time like a student there and... good!! The life gave me the welcoming and I realised this when I got out of class and I saw this:

And today, I have begun my fourth course in the ´old´ school (E.O.I. I) in the intensive modality and... genial, with Mª Eugenia. I´m happy and I wish improve my English in all skills (specialy my Spoken English) and, finally to achieve my B1 certificate next June, God willing!





















