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Universal Healing.

Universal Healing.
Universal Healing. Course created by the teacher Ana M.G.C. To enroll in this course please Escueladesaludlittleamma@gmail.com and to enter into the web click in the image. Thank you very much.


Fast, fast, thinkers. Do breathe to the human race. Give Hope, give Ideal. Do it well.
Victor Hugo.

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Return Again.

          He aquí la letra de una de las canciones de la parte primera de ese maravilloso trabajo de Shaina Noll que suelo usar tanto en mi consulta como en mi vida privada desde hace muchos años y que se titula: Songs for the Inner Child.

         Return again, return again,
         return to the land of your soul.
         Return again, return again,
         return to the land of your soul.

         Return to what you are, return to who you are,
         return to where you are born and reborn again.

         Return again, return again,
         return to the land of your soul.
         Return again, return again,
         return to the land of you soul.






















