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Universal Healing.

Universal Healing.
Universal Healing. Course created by the teacher Ana M.G.C. To enroll in this course please Escueladesaludlittleamma@gmail.com and to enter into the web click in the image. Thank you very much.


Fast, fast, thinkers. Do breathe to the human race. Give Hope, give Ideal. Do it well.
Victor Hugo.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2015


¡¡Aprobé certificación!! My first certification...
Thanks almighty God!!

Use you head!!

         Use your head. Don't be stupid!!

          "Tatuajes hasta el amanecer".

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Believe it and you´ll see it!!

                          I feel good when I´m doing I´m here to do -and so will you.

                                                                     Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

Resultado de imagen de ventanas abiertas a la naturaleza

martes, 16 de junio de 2015


También puedes ver este "docu" en "mi blog de la Tierra" en castellano y con subtítulos en castellano -como prefieras-:

Y, como siempre, además de para aprender idiomas, para tomar consciencia para el bien de nuestra Madre Tierra.

Si quieres acceder a este docu introduce por fa lo que sigue en el buscador de Youtube y acabarás dando con él. Es que no se quién no permite ponerlo en esta altruísta página. Pese a ello, yo sigo recomendándolo -también en inglés, of course!!-.

                                                   Documentary films 2015
                                                   Blackfish 2013
                                                   Documentary 1080p hd.

I think I can.

Hoy me hice la matrícula para el nuevo curso.
Parece que fue ayer... cuando empecé a estudiar inglés.
Y quería hoy aquí dejar constancia de... 
por motivación que no quede, je,je!!, 
como reza este cartel.

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Welcome everybody!! What we do!!

                                        THE OCEAN CLEANUP - What We Do.
Publicado el 3 jun. 2014
On june 3rd, 19-year-old Boyan Slat unveiled the results of the feasibillity study, proving that we can likely clean our oceans. For more information and to support the next phase, please visit

Erwin Zwart

"Run boy run"

Allard Faas
Dominique Hennequin
Freek Zonderland
Herman Zonderland

Tom Akey
Cut & Run NY



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How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat.

                                        How the oceans can clean themselves:
                                                                 Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft.
Publicado el 24 oct. 2012
18-year-old Boyan Slat combines environmentalism, entrepreneurism and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. After diving in Greece, and coming across more plastic bags than fish, he wondered; "why can't we clean this up?"

While still being on secondary school, he then decided to dedicate half a year of research to understand plastic pollution and the problems associated with cleaning it up.
This ultimately led to his passive clean-up concept, which he presented at TEDxDelft 2012.
Working to prove the feasibility of his concept, Boyan Slat currently gives lead to a team of approximately 50 people, and temporarily quit his Aerospace Engineering study to completely focus his efforts on The Ocean Cleanup.

The progress of The Ocean Cleanup can be followed through www.theoceancleanup.com, www.facebook.com/TheOceanCleanup, as well as www.twitter.com/TheOceanCleanup.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)



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Phrase and painting III.

And whoever welcomes 
a little child like this 
in my name 
welcomes me.

"The Book of Matthew".

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

Phrase and Painting.

Thank Goodness for Litlle Girls. 
Cherishing our sweet blessings´from above.

(Harvest House Publishers).
Gift book.
Eugene, Oregon. 97402.
Paintings by Sandra Kuck.





















